
PRG Masters Mammoth Tech Setup Spanning Over 110,000 Square Meters

The IdeenExpo 2024, a renowned event for science and technology enthusiasts, took place from June 8th to 16th, 2024, in Hannover, Germany. Under the motto "Einfach mal machen!" (Just do it!), the event attracted over 430,000 visitors, setting a new record. PRG, a leading provider of technical services, played a pivotal role in the event's success, providing a comprehensive 360° service encompassing lighting, audio, video, IT, and power supply.

PRG's extensive scope of work spanned across four main halls and a portion of the outdoor area, covering a total of 110,000 square meters. The company's impressive technical setup included:

Most of the technical infrastructure was hidden under the exhibition floor and distributed to the over 310 exhibitors. This required very close cooperation with the exhibition construction team. In particular, the planning and precise embedding of the handover points required precise coordination. The hall areas were divided into planning coordinates in advance in order to mark the power connections on the hall floors using a laser system. All cables were then installed precisely by the PRG team before the floor was laid.

A significant challenge involved ensuring uninterrupted emergency announcements even in the event of a power outage. PRG addressed this by employing a combination of decentralized UPS containers (approx. 200 kVA) as redundant power supply with network filters, along with three 100 kVA generators in standby mode with automatic load switching for emergency operation.

PRG introduced a user-friendly digital exhibitor service portal, accessible via a QR code, to facilitate efficient support for exhibitors. This innovative platform allowed exhibitors to quickly request assistance for technical issues or additional equipment needs. PRG technicians promptly addressed these requests directly at the exhibitor booths.

Martin Brüning, IdeenExpo Managing Director,
expressed his satisfaction with PRG's performance, stating, "We have received very positive feedback so far, and there has been excellent cooperation between the trades. I am also under the impression that things are going very well right now. But as I always say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We still have seven and a half days ahead of us, and that means we really have to make it through the nine days to the end, plus dismantling. So, we'll talk again when everything is over."
Martin Brüning could breathe a sigh of relief: In fact, the technology and cooperation throughout the entire IdeenExpo 2024 ran smoothly and to the satisfaction of all involved, so that in the end it was "all hands on deck, done and dusted" for the PRG team!

We would like to thank IdeenExpo for their trust and hope to be back again in 2026.